
Just Stop

Guys there’s something going on that needs to stop immediately. Well two things actually. First, we need stop shaming couples who want kids close together. This is constantly happening to Chappy and I and it is so annoying. And when I say close together I’m talking around two years apart so that’s not even thatttt close! Why is it the norm for people to sarcastically ask if we’re “ready for another” and just assume no one would even dream about wanting another kid so soon and then make us feel bad for wanting another. People seriously look at us like we’re insane and actually call us crazy (and say worse) when we admit we’re already dreaming about our next squishy baby. Sorry my kid is soooo awesome that he makes us want more! Ha it’s not our fault!

Second we need to stop this notion that the second child doesn’t get as much care or attention. Yes, I understand that they won’t get all of your attention because HELLO they’re not the only child but I am sick and tired of people telling me “oh you do that now but you won’t do that with your second child.” Want to know the biggest example I have of this? Breastfeeding! People are constantly telling me that I won’t want to put the effort into breastfeeding when the second child comes around. Like who says that? Also for me breastfeeding has been easy which doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll be easy the second time but I’d much rather just whip out my boob than have to pump or mix up a bottle (and clean everything that involves.) Other examples, “oh with your second child you’ll just let them cry and cry. You’ll be used to the crying by then,” “Home made food, ha! Yeah, that won’t happen with the second child,” “Constantly checking on them when they sleep? Yeah with your second you’ll put them down and never look back.” Ummmmm I AM A SECOND CHILD soo maybe that’s why these comments annoy me so much? I don’t know Ha but nonetheless these comments need to stop. Who would want to be raised under the notion that your parents tried harder with your sibling? Every child is different and has different needs. Breastfeeding may not work for every child, one baby might sleep like a champ while the next might only sleep being held. All those things are perfectly normal and okay but saying I won’t want to put the effort into my next child is not okay with me so stop telling me that’s how I’m going to be! 

Mommy shaming in general is way too abundant and needs to be stopped so ummmm just stop all this nonsense already! K thanks.

End rant. Ha 

Now here are some cute squishy baby pictures of Waylen when he was a newbie to cheer you back up!

1 thought on “Just Stop”

  1. Agreed! My boy is 7 weeks old and I can’t stand those comments.
    “Enjoy it while you can”and “Just wait” are my two worst enemies…


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