Life, Parenting, pregnancy

8 Months with Kennedy

Another whole month?! How can it be?? Kennedy is officially up to 16 lbs and is still as short as can be. Kennedy is such a little explorer. She’s constantly army crawling across the entire house and loves making her way across the kitchen to get the dog bowls or all the way down the… Continue reading 8 Months with Kennedy


7 Months with Kennedy

SEVEN FREAKEN MONTHS. Wasn’t she just a newborn!? This past month has been so much fun! Kennedy started BLW and she is SO good at eating. Like even better than Waylen! TMI but her sweet breastmilk poops are a thing of the past ha! She's already tried 50+ different foods! Some of her favorite foods… Continue reading 7 Months with Kennedy

Parenting, pregnancy

5 Months with Kennedy

How it is possible that Little Miss is already 5 months???! No checkup this month but I estimate she probably weighs around 13lbs. So yes, my 9 lb. at birth baby is still teeny tiny. She's also pretty much lost all our hair from birth but at least her peach fuzz came in strong so… Continue reading 5 Months with Kennedy


3 Months with Kennedy

Time sure flies when you’re sleep deprived and constantly chasing after a toddler! Ha Just Kidding! But really three months already?! Kennedy is officially up to about 12lbs. Despite being 9lbs at birth, she is just a little peanut! Right now her favorites things are watching Waylen play, dancing with mama, and cuddling with dad!… Continue reading 3 Months with Kennedy

fashion, Parenting

Matching Mini

So I've officially become my mother- I love matching my kids ha. It was at a minimum when it was just Waylen because it's a little difficult to find matching outfits with your son, but now that I have a girl, I am alllllllll about it! Everything I found isn't always an exact match but… Continue reading Matching Mini

Life, Parenting

Vacationing with Kids

Last week we took our first official vacation as a family of four and holy crap did we take a lot of stuff! Ha! I mean traveling with two kiddos two and under alone means you’re going to be bringing a bunch of stuff but since we went to the beach, our car was packed… Continue reading Vacationing with Kids


Spring Shorts Haul

Spring is here which means one thing in The South- it’s shorts season! Seriously though, in California I would wear my jeans year round, but here in Charlotte no way! It gets WAY too hot over summer so I always make sure to stock my closet with the perfect shorts during Springtime. Here are some… Continue reading Spring Shorts Haul