
20 Week Update

We’ve made it to the half way mark! (Or if this baby is anything like Waylen, we’re more than half way!) Although the nausea is still hanging around, I haven’t actually barfed in about two week! Whoop whoop! I’m currently 103 lbs which is up 2 from my pre-pregnancy weight! Besides the nausea and still… Continue reading 20 Week Update


Waylen: 18 Months

Guys, Waylen is 18 months old!! It almost doesn’t even seem real! He is still the sweetest little babe and is pretty much always happy! In the last few months we went to the Columbia Zoo, Raptor Center, California, and even left Waylen with a babysitter for the first real time! His favorite things these… Continue reading Waylen: 18 Months

Life, Parenting

Waylen: 15 Months

My little baby is really no longer a baby. Over the last three months he has seriously become my little man! He went from barely taking a step or two to full on running around the house. He also is officially no longer my toothless toddler! In the 6 short weeks after his first birthday… Continue reading Waylen: 15 Months


Waylen: 11 Months

ELEVEN MONTHS!!! The countdown until Waylen’s first birthday is officially on! CRAZY! This last month Waylen has mastered crawling up the stairs, still pulls himself up on everything, and loves walking along the back of the couch. Seriously though he’ll spend 45 minutes entertaining himself on the couch. Ha he still isn’t walking or standing… Continue reading Waylen: 11 Months

House Projects

Faux Shiplap Kitchen Island

When we decided to panel the island I thought we would be super organized and get it done quick since we had already done Waylen's room. (You can check that project out HERE.) Now we actually did finish it quickly but OH MY GOSH did we make the stupidest mistakes along the way. First, we took… Continue reading Faux Shiplap Kitchen Island

baby led weaning, Parenting

Baby Led Weaning: 3 Months In 

The difference between how Waylen ate at 6 months versus now is seriously insane! I was amazed at how coordinated he was then but now it's an entirely different story. He now uses his pincher grapse, he's SO good at chewing everything, he rarely misses his mouth, and has even started opening his hand to… Continue reading Baby Led Weaning: 3 Months In 


Waylen: 8 Months

Eight months! EIGHT FREAKEN MONTHS!  I'm not sure what's happening but time is seriously flying by! Every day I look at Waylen and am amazed by how old he seems!  In this last month Waylen has made some huge strides. He loves standing and playing with his activity cube and although he cannot pull himself… Continue reading Waylen: 8 Months


Waylen: 7 Months

Gosh 7 months seems SO old! Where did my squishy little baby go???? We are officially closer to his first birthday than we are to his birth! How weird is that?! Waylen is now around 19 lbs and seriously gives momma an upper body workout. Carrying him in his car seat? Yeah right! It's so… Continue reading Waylen: 7 Months